Bring Decadence Home with our Italian Black Truffle Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Just because the restaurants are closed or restricted because of COVID-19 doesn’t mean the fine dining has to end. A quick and simple way to elevate your meal is to add some truffle oil. Truffle oil, though its flavour can be too pungent for some, is a great way to bring some decadence to the dinner table. If you’ve yet to experiment with truffle oil, here are five ideas to try at home:
- Before you press play, take some truffle oil and drizzle that over your kernels for a decadent movie snack. Sprinkle some parmesan and you’ll be tempted to sneak a little bottle with you into the theatres next time you go.
- After you’ve boiled, mashed, and seasoned your spuds, add a couple of tablespoons of your truffle oil into the potatoes, stir, and serve. The Food Network has a great recipe:
- We put mushrooms on pizza, so why not truffle oil? There is no better pairing than cheese and truffle oil. If you or someone you know is picky about mushrooms, this recipe from Port and Fin is a great way to introduce truffle oil into their life; everyone loves pizza.
- Mac and Cheese just got way dreamier. If you’re going to be having truffle oil, don’t forget that parmesan; they are so good together.
- You’ve probably had eggs a dozen different ways but have you had it with truffle oil? Prepare it however you like but you can’t fail with some simple salt and pepper. Drizzle the oil and bon appetit!
So that’s five uses for truffle oil but it doesn’t have to stop there; cheesy fondue, garlic bread, even over some vegetables. The important thing to remember when using truffle oil is that it is ideal for finishing and should be served right away. With something this good, you don’t want to wait, right? It also tends to be pungent so if it’s your first time working with it, it’s best to go slow. And when you forget what truffle oil is good for, remember the three P’s; pizza, pasta, and parmesan.
If you're looking for some top notch truffle oil, why not try our decadent Italian Black Truffle Extra Virgin Oil with your next meal? Let us know what you think and your favourite ways to use it.
If you're looking for some top notch truffle oil, why not try our decadent Italian Black Truffle Extra Virgin Oil with your next meal? Let us know what you think and your favourite ways to use it.
Great Article! Never would have thought about trying it with eggs!! I’ll need to pick some up soon to try it out!
Very interesting. Just tuned into your new blog efforts and I like. You certainly know what you’re doing when you make me want to buy travel oil and I’ve never even heard of it.
Can’t say I’ve ever tried black truffle oil but I’ll make sure to pick some up next time I’m in your store!
Fantastic suggestions and I foresee homemade pasta with Aurelius black truffle oil in my very near future!!!